Fortuna Populi.
The missing columns, 2016-18
Painting serie/ Mixed media on nylon
Drawings on paper: Acryl, grafit, serpentine and lack
With the support of Villa Massimo short time research residency, Rome, 2016
The column, both as an architectural element and as a monument, has always played an important role in creating an aesthetic identity in Europe and in keeping alive the feeling of stability.
Other civilisations have also used columns with an architectural porpoise maybe without knowing that they where creating their cultural identity.
When I went to Rome to visit the temple of the Fortuna Populi, a figure I was intensely researching for another project, there were no columns anymore. Stones where there to be the ruin of a past civilisation column.
However, there are no contemporary columns in the present times and the idea of stability is gone.
This paintings where done to think about contemporay inestable columns that could represent the actual times in Europe, to make some ruins of our civilization for future times.